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General Insurance

We offer a full range of actuarial and risk management consultancy services to non-life insurers - ranging from reserving, compliance, regulatory reporting, pricing & product development. We adopt a value-based approach to the issues our clients face.

Our clients include non-life insurers across India, Kenya, Malta, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal & Bermuda. Our aim is to listen and tailor the approach to suit the size of our clients and to ensure solutions are suitable for their risks and issues they face.

Pricing, Product Development & Business Planning

We assist in defining pricing assumptions, testing them in terms of related product options, and evaluating how the results can be integrated into general profitability. We review the appropriateness of potential products in terms of business objectives and assist in discussing alternative product designs and reinsurance applications. We also factor in past loss trends; take into account marketing goals, and overall corporate objectives.

Our services include : Product Design; Pricing of various Lines of Business; switching to New Requirements (e.g. risk based approach); Business Strategic Planning; Business Financials Projections.

Reserving & Statutory Valuations, Market Reporting, Governance, Regulation and compliance

We help our clients quantify how much money they need to hold aside to finance the liabilities arising from written policies. Future unknown losses on existing policies are forecast using historic loss experience and actuarial judgment and assumptions. We also assess the volatility of these reserves, which influences the amount of capital that companies are required to hold to ensure their continued solvency.

Our services include : Regulatory reporting and certification; Setting Technical Provisions; Creation of Reserving and Valuation models (Model validation & testing); Calculation of Statutory and Realistic reserves through various techniques; Peer Review; Financial examination & auditing of reserving assumptions & methodology and; CAT Modelling.

Experience Analysis

An experience study is to measure actual results against expected results and further assess the sufficiency of premiums & reserves. Experience Studies act as early warning systems to highlight business segments that are mis-priced or mis-reserved. Our expertise lies in finding a balance between actual experience data and managing future expectations.

Our Services include: Experience Analysis; Comparison of actual vs. expected Analysis of various parameters; Expense study; Projections of loss ratios & various decrements.


Companies are required to identify, measure, monitor, manage, control and report their investment risks. Thus, having an appropriate governance and reporting frameworks in place.

Our services include; Solvency II Compliance Analysis; asset allocation advice including advice on illiquid assets; asset-liability matching and derivative strategy exercises; risk appetite and risk limits advice; manager selection and benchmarking; asset modelling (including assumptions); reporting and management information advice.

Mergers, acquisitions and disposals

Our services include: Deal identification, due diligence, actuarial appraisal and valuation, advice on accounting implications, negotiation and communication with regulatory authorities; development of strategic options for business restructuring and solutions to maximize value and release capital from legacy operations. We also support companies in undertaking actuarial due diligence, whether they are acting as the buyer or seller. In addition, we can also act as an Independent Expert.

Capital Modelling

Capital modelling involves analysing all the financial risks that an (re)insurance company may face, from both an economic and regulatory perspective. We use this to calculate the capital required to ensure a company's solvency in the ‘worst-case' scenario. We provide services in model build, validation, management and improving model efficiency.

Our services include: Economic Capital Models/ MCEV models/Stochastic Modelling, Capital modelling and; Strategy review.

New Set-ups

We provide a wide-range of services for New Set ups.

Our services include : Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges; Market research and market study; Business Strategic Planning; Business planning and financial projections; Manpower planning; Regulatory, legal and compliance activities; Guidelines/SOP for underwriting, claims & reinsurance; Distribution strategy and distribution compensation modelling; Product strategy, Need Matrix, Product Development and Pricing.